"Attack Watch" was set up by the Obama administration so that the lies, and smears, floating around about the President could be monitored, and the individuals reprogrammed by Media Matters. Some have likened this to 1930's Germany where citizens were urged to turn in their neighbors. Unfortunately many people have taken this as an opportunity to mock the Commander in Chief posting things like: He is so thin skinned he shaves with an eraser. He should be called the Condemner in Chief because he always blames everyone for his failures. His wife Michelle spends more time overseas than Roman Polanski. His administration saved or created millions of food stamp recipients. The Presidents Blackberry isn't a phone, it's a reference to his hemorrhoid. Someone even tweeted Ronald Reagan may have been a child actor President, but Obama is just a child acting President. "Attack Watch" is turning out to be the largest collection of jokes about the reigning O'Bumbleclot**. We may not get economic relief, but at least we'll get comedic relief. Take his wife-PLEASE!
You report, I deport. |
**Bumbleclot is a Jamaican curse word.
**Bumbleclot is a Jamaican curse word.