Some guy tried to sell me a Rolex Datejust watch yesterday for 25 bucks, a great bargain considering it usually cost about $3,200. Sadly it's one of these cheap copies from China that will probably implode by the time you get home. While most of us have bought pirated d.v.d.'s, music c.d.'s, and handbags, we probably didn't know we could get a knockoff virgin. It seems that Chinese men prefer to marry virgins, a very rare commodity these days. In an attempt to flood the market with fake virgins they have used reconstructive surgery to restore the female hymen. An intact hymen is the measure by which women are judged to be a virgin. While Henry Ford designed the first mass produced assembly line in America, he never could have imagined naked women rolling down a conveyor belt having surgery on their vagina's. Progress, you gotta love it.
Wasn't Hymen Roth in "The Godfather"?