Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Your shitting me!

I've expressed my disgust over low flow toilets before, but this takes the cake. The enviro nut jobs of Coolifornia have finally reaped their harvest of discontent. It seems San Francisco smells like a septic tank thanks to the sludge that's blocked up their sewer. Someone should have told them that no matter how much tofu and bean sprouts you eat shit is still heavier than water. Less water equals more sludge, and more stench. So what's their solution? How about pouring 8.5 million gallons of bleach into a system that eventually ends up in the ocean. There is one upside, every time you go swimming your clothes come out cleaner than when you went in. Maybe they could throw in a little fabric softener for the irritation the tree huggers are experiencing.


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