Two bums were walking down the street when they encountered a pile of unknown material. After rigorous analysis they decided it "looks like shit, smells like shit, and tastes like shit". Then joyously proclaimed "good thing we didn't step in it"! In other words it may share all of the characteristics, but it's not officially declared shit till you step in it.
Somehow I find this curiously analogous to the "Kinetic Military Action" or non-war occurring in Libya. It very much looks like war. The F-15's, explosions, and flying body parts kind of give it away. It smells like war with the accompanying sulfur, fires, and rotting corpses. It tastes like war to those who are choking on their own blood, sweat, and vomit. At this point we do not have any boots on the ground, but now I know why some guy in Iraq threw a shoe at Bush. It's not an officially declared war till a bum steps in shit.
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