Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Sarah Palin is driving around the U.S. in a bus, and there are a bunch of mindless drones following her everywhere she goes. They claim to be news reporters, but for the life of me I can't figure out why they believe a person who currently holds no office, nor has had any major scandal is worthy of such attention. The Washington Post has acquired 24,000 pages of her e-mails to investigate. Why? It can't be that there is nothing else to write about. The economy is collapsing, the Middle East is ready to explode, and the world will end again for the third time according to Harold Camping in October. The biggest story they came up with so far is she supposedly screwed up the story of Paul Revere's ride*. Maybe it's because they're screwing up her ride.

*According to historical records Paul Revere was captured by the British and told them that 500 well armed Americans were waiting for them. While the details are debatable, she is at least partly correct.

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