Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hang him first, and have the trial later.

I am confused as to why they wanted to try KSM (911 mastermind) in federal court. Attorney General Eric Holder said it was to "restore the integrity of our judicial system". Both President Obama, and Eric Holder assured us "he will be found guilty". I thought a person was innocent till proven guilty, at least that's what guilty people always say. I guess Harvard omitted that lesson from the curriculum. To make matters worse Holder said he won't be released even if he's found innocent. Duh! How does that "restore the integrity of our judicial system"? Reminds me of the spaghetti westerns where the sheriff would say "hang him first, we'll have the trial later". Where's Clint Eastwood when you need him? In order to try terrorists in federal court they must be mirandized, kind of hard in the Afghan mountains. Maybe we can send trial lawyers along with the troops. Remember the visa commercial. Trying KSM in NY 100 million dollars. Sending trial lawyers to Afghanistan, priceless.

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