Politically correct (PC) people manipulate language to accommodate the sensitivities of individuals. Like when a suave politician is confronted with a tough question he offers an obtuse answer to avoid offending anyone. In effect he says nothing of substantive value. Tough questions require tough answers and someone inevitably will be hurt. So now a short, skinny, four eyed, whitey like me is now referred to as a vertically challenged, calorically restricted, Caucasian with optical impairment. Give me a break! Grow up and accept the things in life you cannot change. No one should be discriminated against, but common sense must take precedent. Midgets shouldn't sue to be in the NBA. Weaklings shouldn't sue to be in the NFL, and girls shouldn't sue to be in the Boy Scouts (although it's okay if they sneak into your camp at night). Imagine the police issuing an APB with this PC description "XY gened human, - 50% average median height, + 75% average median weight, melanocytic nevus on left cheek, talipes equinovarus of the left foot, extreme kyphosis, pigment deficient. Politically incorrect description. Short, fat, hunchback, Albino male with mole on left cheek, and clubbed left foot. Which one leads to an arrest? One day some PC ignoramus will walk up to you and say "put your labia oris on my gluteus maximus" you tell them "KISS MY ASS".
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