Saturday, May 29, 2010

Evolutionary relativity

Who doesn't have friends or relatives with a few too many mutations in their DNA? Take uncle Bob for instance. When evolutionists claim man and ape are 98% identical, they always use him as an example. It's not just that he has more hair on his back than a great ape, or his incisors can cut through tree bark, or his arms are as long as his legs, although these things are true. It really comes down to intelligence. Animals of all kinds have demonstrated they are capable of using tools. The last time Uncle Bob used a hammer it nearly gave him a concussion and his eye is still swollen from the last time he mishandled a screw driver. How about Aunt Mabel, she stoops so low, and waddles back and forth so much she makes a chimp look downright elegant. Her breasts are flat like pancakes and reminds one of a National Geographic special on primates. Even worse she has not learned to groom herself as well as our jungle friends. Evolution is a supposed upward ascent to more intelligent and developed life forms. Apparently that is not based on any of my relatives.

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