Friday, May 21, 2010

Objection overruled!

There have been allegations that the new Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan might be gay. I don't see the problem because the male judges seem to be a little short in the testosterone department themselves. Their black robes look like something Italian women wear after their husband dies, a symbol of perpetual mourning. So when you see a man wearing it you start to question their sexuality. In fact in many countries the male judges wear wigs, and the widows robe. Justice may be blind, but even the jury can see they look like they're either gay, female impersonators, or heading to a masquerade party after court. If you google "lady justice" the statue that stands outside court houses, you will find that it is based on the Roman goddess "Justita". It also has the equivalent of the Greek goddess "Dike". Rather prophetic isn't it? Ms. Kagan's sexual orientation should not prevent her from being appointed. After all women are constantly judging us anyway. Objection overruled!

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