Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Aspire to greatness

The words "political" and "correct" have nothing to do with each other. Politics involves back room dealing, lying, coercion, and payoffs. What could possibly be "correct" about that? That's why congress has a public opinion approval rating lower than 30%. In fact politics has more in common with organized crime than public service. Like the mob politicians make deals with union thugs, payoffs to phony organizations (like Acorn), and strong arming weak stooges like Senators Blanche Lincoln, and Ben Nelson. These events transpire at privately held meetings reminiscent of the Corleone's sitting around a table of lasagna at Clemenza's, and deciding whose legs needed breaking. Consigliere Rahm Emanuel and Obama's muscle Nancy Pelosi were the "Capo's" of the Obama crime family and more feared than Sammy "The Bull" Gravano who was involved in 19 murders. They didn't whack their enemies, but would ruin their reputations and careers instead. Payoffs were part of their modus operandi, and were used to reward those faithful to the "Capo di tutti" (boss of bosses) Obama. These were paid for by shakedowns, a technique politicians have perfected by targeting certain groups to higher tax rates. This racket is controlled by Timothy Geithner whose crew is known as the I.R.S. There once was a mafia boss in Staten Island whose home was a replica of the White House. I guess even criminals can aspire to greatness.

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