Some states spend up to 15,139. per student for education. So what do you get for all that money? Possibly a 50% graduation rate, but at least the students know how to fist each other. That's right, thanks to the school safety czar Kevin Jennings the founder of GLSEN the gay lesbian and straight education network, your children will know how to shove their hands up each others rectum and vagina. Funny, but I haven't seen any classified ads for fisting in the employment section. I guess that's why when I call Citibank I get some guy in India. So what will these kids do when they graduate? Half will be permanently unemployed and the rest can work on farms yanking breached calf's out of their mothers uterus. If there are no more jobs they can be prostitutes, just make sure you pack condoms and ky jelly in their lunchboxes. Readin, writin, and fistin. After the taxpayers are screwed, their children are next.
*March 25, 2000 at Tufts University 200 students children as young as 12 were instructed by State employees about fisting and other homosexual practices. Three employees were fired.
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