I just heard you need a permission slip to say the pledge of allegiance in a Brookline Mass school. When I went to school permission slips were required if you went on class trips as there was the possibility you'd fall in the lions cage at the Bronx Zoo, or the rickety old yellow bus would flip over and you would be decapitated. It was an attempt to prevent the school from being liable for your maiming or possible death while out on the town. How the hell can you get hurt from saying the pledge of allegiance? Maybe some junior Jihadi with C4 in his Mecca lunchbox might blow a fuse, or some left libtard who hates America would contact Bill Ayers to help him make an I.E.D. (Improvised Explosive Device). You don't need parental permission for abortions, but young patriots who desire to pledge their allegiance do. Someone forgot it is the patriotic servicemen and women who die to preserve freedom, the babies die because of our freedom to act like irresponsible assholes.
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