Friday, July 16, 2010

FGM (Female genital mutilation)

F.G.M. is the surgical removal of a young girls genital tissue for non-medical reasons. It is a violent, painful ritual. There are no health benefits to F.G.M, and the psychological damage is devastating. The fact that this happens to U.S. citizens brought overseas for F.G.M. holiday's is appalling. In the Middle East and Africa women can be beaten if they are in the company of a unrelated male, or stoned if it's believed they were adulterers. How is it possible that in this day and age such evil can continue without protest? Hopefully we can find a ventriloquist to open the mouths of the dummies who claim to be feminists and civil rights activists. Only then will they have the courage to speak out against a culture that permits women to be treated with less respect than animals. At least animals have honorable organizations to protect them.

1 comment:

  1. Believe me there is plenty of protest. You cannot be looking in the right places if you have not come across any yet! Just google FGM, FGC female circumcision. Do the same on Youtube. I think you might get more than you bargained for!
