Monday, May 16, 2011

Jihadi, Jerkhardi

Hey is that a roll of shekels in your hijab?
Well it appears Bin Laden likes his porno, and enjoys a good blow job as much as he loves blowing up infidels. Also copies of Playgoat magazine were found in his compound, and now you know why their milk is so creamy. It was revealed his favorite song is Led Zeppelin's "Since I've Bin Laden Ewe". Apparently he is fond of sheep because their good for multiple flocks. A camel is only good for one hump. His wife was interviewed and said Osama asked if he could perform anal sex on her. She said you know I'm a Shiite, and I can sure Sheikh my booty, but your tent pole Bin Loafen, instead of jihadi try jerkhardi.

1 comment:

  1. LOL.. Playgoat and creamy. Hilarious stuff!!!
