Monday, February 21, 2011

Who is teaching who?

In California they are now using G.P.S. to track truants*. Specifically these are students who have at least 4 unexcused absences. Well how about the teachers in Wisconsin who will have been out 4 days come this Mon?  They call in sick, get paid, and then appear on the local news complaining about the governor. So this is the state of the public education system. They teach students to lie by calling in sick when they're not, submit doctor's notes to substantiate they're ill without ever being examined**, and commit fraud by being payed sick leave when they are not sick. Seems like the teachers should be wearing the G.P.S. bracelets not the students. I remember when I was growing up it was the students who played hooky, did the protesting, and broke the law. Who says you can't learn anything in a public school?


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