Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Radical Muslim: One who encounters an infidel blaspheming Mohammed and says "get me a sword so I can behead him".
Moderate Muslim: One who watches the beheading and says "It's a shame he was beheaded, but he has no one to blame but himself. He should never have blasphemed Mohammed".

To prove my point let's take the Moderate Muslim, Imam Rauf who said after the 9/11 attacks. "I wouldn't say the U.S. deserved what happened, but U.S. policy were an accessory to the crime. In the most direct sense Osama Bin Laden was made in the U.S." Translation: The U.S. is directly responsible for Osama Bin Laden (terrorism), and the subsequent attack. In essence it's a shame 9/11 occurred but the U.S. has no one to blame but itself.
When questioned about moving the Ground zero Mosque "If he (Rauf) was forced to move the project, it could spur terrorist activity among radicals abroad". Translation: If you oppose the Mosque any terrorist activity will be your fault, and you have no one to blame but yourselves..
In conclusion Rauf used the protection of the constitution to promote the GZ Mosque, but failed to acknowledge the constitutional right to burn the Koran. The radicals manipulate through fear, and the moderates manipulate through our fear of the radicals. Imam Rauf is about as American as camel pie.

Note: This blog appears to contradict another. This is written from our perspective, the other is written from theirs.

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