Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pinheads and idiots

On "The View" t.v. show Bill O'Reilly was lambasted by Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar for saying Muslims attacked us on 9/11. He failed to use the politically correct term "Radical Muslims", and they were so angry they walked off the set. I remember a Christian shot and killed an abortion doctor named George Tiller recently. Shouldn't we call him a "Radical Christian"? After all any honest person who reads the New Testament would not be able to find one verse that supports homicide. What about Jesus, can anyone honestly refer to him as a violent individual? How about the Pope does he approve of murdering abortion doctors? No, but we don't care if we offend all Christians by failing to call him radical when he clearly violated the boundaries of Christianity. Let's apply the same standard to Islam. Does Muhammad or the Koran advocate violence? Muhammad was a warrior who killed and promoted violence. The Koran commands fighting even if it is hateful to you (Sura 2:216)*, and the Middle Eastern clerics who interpret the Koran advocate violent Jihad. In fact the United Arab Emirates highest court has ruled a man can beat his wife and kids as long as he doesn't leave any marks. Certainly a hallmark of a religion of peace. The truth is the founder, writings, and major religious leaders allow or require violence from their followers. In the eyes of Islam these jihadists are not radical, but any Muslim who practices Islam differently than they prescribe is radical. It was Muslims who caused 9/11, it's the radicals who are the peacemakers.

*For those who claim the Koran is being misinterpreted the clerics are the ruling authority.

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