Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nanny is in the house.

By now you realize that trans-fat use has been banned in restaurants thanks to Mike Bloomberg. Next on his agenda is salt reduction and the Dept of Health will be issuing guidelines shortly. Pretty soon you'll see an increase in tax on alcohol to protect you from those drinking binges you love so much. Where does it end? The proponents of "social engineering" have determined you are incapable of making rational, adult decisions and its their job to set you on the straight and narrow. Already they control how you walk. Cross at the corner and wait for the light or you'll get a ticket. If you ride a bike wear a helmet and follow posted traffic signs, or you'll get a ticket. Have safe sex, they'll provide the condom. To stupid to use a condom, they'll provide an abortion. Use clean needles when you shoot up, they'll provide them. Got aids because your too stupid to use a clean needle. They'll provide the very expensive multi-drug cocktail therapies to prolong your miserable life. It used to be "father knows best", now its "the government knows best". Nanny is in the house.

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