Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gimme some of that Obama money!

When I was a teenager I would ask my father for a couple of bucks and he would say "do you think money grows on trees"? I would then reply "well it is printed on paper which comes from ...", and before I could finish I would promptly get a boot in the ass. Well where does money really come from? 24% of the people believe the government gets money from somewhere other than taxpayers. Maybe the tooth fairy brings it? If so there must be trillions of people wearing dentures. Maybe the French paid us back all the money they owed us? Fat chance. Maybe G.M. made a fortune selling autos overseas and we made a profit from their bailout? Keep dreaming. Maybe China invested a fortune in our treasury bills. Nah, that would be like buying stock in Enron after it went bankrupt. Someone claimed the government has a giant mechanical machine that makes money. Well if that fantasy is true, gimme some of that Obama money!

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