Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Hallmark of racism

I cannot believe that Hallmark had to remove one of it's cards due to a racism charge. Yes, the company that comes up with those sappy slogans to show how much you really care when someone is ill, needs sympathy, gets married, or a combination of the three. The card was for students who graduated and was the kind that uses electronic voice technology. The phrase "black hole" is audible, but the reality is that it is used in a cosmological context. While blacks have a right to be sensitive considering the past abuses by whites, they selectively target individuals. They gave Bill Maher a pass when he said he yearned for a real black president with "a gun in his pants", or when Harry Reid said the people supported Obama because he was light skinned and had no negro dialect unless he wanted one, or when the L.A. Times published that Barack was the "Magic Negro" nothing was said until Rush Limbaugh played a parody of the song on his show then he was called out as a racist. I didn't realize racism is strictly defined by one group, and applied as they see fit. Now I understand where the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black" came from. Oops, is that racist?

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