Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So easy even a caveman can do it.

For the caveman life was a tough proposition and in order to secure the girl of his dreams he needed to stretch the truth. A smart Neanderthal would tell his prospective mate that his cave had running water, clearly an advantage over his less successful knuckle dragging competitors. He would conveniently fail to mention it was under a raging waterfall. Kind of hard to sleep with all that noise, huh? Or he might brag that his cave was heated, a modern miracle for that age. Of course he would leave out the part that it was located next to an active volcano. Having your loincloth catch fire all the time can be a drag, but the constant shaking would turn your rock slab bed into one mean heat and massage vibrator. That will have the girls drooling. The biggest advantage a suitor possessed is having an indoor toilet. After all no one wants to go out in the jungle at night to relieve themselves. The are a lot of critters waiting to bite or sting, some may even take up permanent residence in those sensitive areas. The indoor bathroom claim really means he has a giant dung mound in his cave. Aromatically offensive, but as a perk all those dung beetles provide a tasty late night snack. Lying, so easy even a caveman can do it.

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