Friday, June 25, 2010

Live forever, or die trying

Take Rodney Dangerfield, Milton Berle, and the Three Stooges to man the suicide hot line and what do you have? People dying of laughter. Now take Richard Dawkins, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche to man those same suicide hotlines and what do you have? A coroner shortage. Yep, there would be so many stiffs they would have to hack them up and put them in Ziploc bags. (Caution, don't mix them up with your kids school lunch). Geniuses for some reason can only think according to the formulas and parameters of logic. In effect they are trapped in a box, kind of like those annoying mimes. On the other hand comedy is the opposite of rationality, or as Groucho Marx said "humor is reason gone mad". So if life is so bad your considering jumping out your window make sure you don't have a balcony, or if your planning on taking a bath with an electrical device make sure it's not battery powered. As for me "I intend to live forever, or die trying".

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